7 Wishes I Have For My Boys

As a parent, its completely natural to worry if you're doing the right thing for your little ones. Bottle or breast. Weaning when you think they're ready or waiting until the 6 month 'guideline'. Putting them down to sleep on their back as recommended or allowing them to sleep on their front. It's never ending and you'll never be able to please everyone with your views and way of parenting but you know what, who cares?! They're your children and you do what you think is best for them!

This got me thinking, what do I wish for my children's future?

As every parent can probably agree, my first wish is they are happy. Happy with their life choices and are content in their life decisions. Whether they be straight, gay or bisexual. Whether they wish to go to university or not. Whether they want children or don't want children. They're individuals and they are entitled to live their own life just like everyone else. Don't get me wrong, if they decide they don't want children I will be slightly disappointed but only because I have experienced how amazing it is. 

They're healthy; this goes without saying. No one wants something to be wrong with their child. Each milestone we come up to, I'm forever worrying that they won't hit it. When you have twins I think its a little more difficult to let go on the anxiety too. Louie has always been the smaller twin yet he has done everything first. Louie took his first steps a month or so ago yet Ollie showed no sign of them. Of course, every child is different but its always at the forefront of my mind. Ollie is now a full fledged walker along with his brother so the anxiety has moved onto something new now - like speech! 

I'm sure you've all heard the line 'if i could go back'... Well for me this was school. I didn't do very well at school, I was far too influenced by the people around me. Since I can remember, I have wanted to be a midwife but I didn't do well enough in school or college to achieve what I needed to go to university. I just hope that my children are more focused on their education than they are their 'friends'. 

I hope they dream big. I want them to have a very successful career. Naturally I'd love for them to be a surgeon or something which in turns helps other people but given mine and my other half's educational background, that's very unlikely! 

Respect women. This is a super important one for me. There are far too many men in this world who don't. I want to raise my children to be gentlemen. Hold the door open for people, have manners, treat women equally to men, stay loyal to their partner, be trustworthy, the list goes on and on.

That they remember and understand that I tried my absolute best to be a good mum. Everything I did, all the decisions I made for them when they weren't old enough to make them theirselves, I did it for them.

For them to be best friends, forever and ever - even when I am gone. The thought of my children as adults fighting and not speaking hurts my heart a little bit.

'For what its worth: it's never too late to be who you want to be. I hope you have a life you're proud of, and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start over' - F.Scott Fitzgerald


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