When will you have more?

I've been asked this question so many times and every time I answer, the reaction I receive gets more and more frustrating. 

I've always seen myself with 3 children but I appear to have gone the unconventional way and had 2 at the same time! In someways this is great as pregnancy isn't exactly the most enjoyable at times but then on the other hand, I've been cheated out of the excitement of seeing your baby for the first time at scans, the first kicks, buying everything new and most importantly, meeting your baby for the first time! 

Anyway, onto the important question - when will we have another one? The answer is that hopefully by next year, baby Searle number 3 will be here. No - I'm not pregnant right now (that would mean baby would be here this year anyway), but we plan to conceive by the end of this year. 

With me having fertility issues, we don't know if it will happen at all, let alone this year but it's our plan to have the next one within the next year and a half. I heard that gasp! 

Why you ask? Are you crazy you ask? Yes is the answer to the latter question! In all honesty, I love being a mum. Yes it's been challenging at times but for me it's more amazing than challenging. I know you're all thinking - wait until they're walking!!! Haha! 

I want to have them close together so they play together (and maybe fight together). I don't want to wait for ages and then feel as if I'm starting all over again. If we fall when planned, the boys will be between 18 and 24 months. They can go and fetch their own toys and will be able to tell me (in baby language) what they want. 

It means Nathan and I will hopefully be in our early - mid 40's when they are old enough to move out and allow us to go and do the things we would like to do - maybe even travelling! 

Did you have another baby soon after twins or even soon after a single baby? What was your experience? Let me know on Instagram! 


  1. You know what's right for you hun! I would love to get pregnant right now if I could but I doubt we will have another as we already have 3! Your a great mummy and can do anything If you put your mind to it!


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