What's in my 'baby' cupboard?

Everyone loves being nosey from time to time, right? Ok - maybe I'm nosey ALL the time!

With this in mind, I thought I'd do a blog post and show you what's in my baby cupboard! It may help you with ideas for weaning your little one(s) but also help me in that you can give me ideas on things to try! 

So here's the baby cupboard.

Up the top we have:
- 3 boxes of HIPP Follow On Milk
- A packet of Ellas Kitchen (4months+) Porridge
- A box of farleys rusks
- 4 x Baby Cups for water
- 2 x Flasks for hot water to add to milk
- A pack of steriliser descaler (this reminds me I need to descale the steriliser) 
- Hidden are jars of cow and gate puddings that the boys don't like 

& on the bottom is:
- Jars of baby food for dinner (clearly need to stock up on them - just been shopping as well, how annoying!!!)
- Tub of milk (please note that we use HIPP but I don't like their foil packets so pour it into this cow and gate tub for ease of use)
- Carrot, Banana & Blueberry wafers for boys snacks and lunch finger food
- Baby food pouches for the boys dinner
- Bowls (a silly amount of them as well)
- Porridge again (we appear to use a stupid amount but I guess that's normal for 2 babies!)
- Infant Gaviscon for Ollie's reflux (it's worked great for us from the beginning and we're trying to wean him off with no such luck at the moment!)
- Hidden is 2 more boxes of porridge I picked up today to try (Organix from 4months+) 

I also have a draw full of pots for when my mum or I do a roast and we have left over chicken and veg for freezing and some other random things that we've acquired - including lots of pink and purple dummies that Asda have pick up in our click and collect order that we thought we may as well keep as dummies as lost very easily! 

In the fridge we also have Pepper Pig fromage frais and fruit pots in a few different flavours which the boys love. 

I was looking down the baby isle today at other snacks and when they hit 7 months there's much for choice which I'm looking forward to! Can't wait to try them with the rice cakes and cheese puffs and stuff! I'm sure they'd be fine with them now as they are 6 and a half months but we may as well just wait! 

Let me know if you have any other ideas of foods or snacks which you've found your little ones love! 


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