Hospital Bags - Have I Forgotten Anything?

With the delivery day closing in (fast!!!), I have almost finished packing my hospital bags! I'll be honest and say that I have held off as long as possible with packing my bags as I didn't want to do everything in my first week of being off work and then being bored waiting for the boys to arrive!

I have searched and searched and searched for what to pack for twins but I didn't really find anything that I thought was helpful so I have just adapted the list on the Mothercare App!

Left - My bag, Middle - Nathans Bag, Right - Twins Bag

I have decided to take 3 bags:
1 for me
1 for the boys
1 for Nathan (although this has mainly sweets and drinks for me in!!)
My bag: What have I packed?

1 x Towel for showering/bathing
5 x Large cotton knickers in case of a C-section
10 x Disposable knickers
20 x Maternity pads
40 x Disposable breast pads
1 x Pillow
1 x PJ bottoms
1 x comfortable nightie
1 x Pair of slippers
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Face wipes
Water spray bottle
Leggings and top for coming home
I am still yet to pack things like maternity notes as I am still using them as I have a monthly consultant and midwife appointment which will shortly reduce to every other week! I also need to pack things like phone charger, GoPro, etc but I will do these a lot closer to the time. 
The Twins Bag: What have I packed?

48 x Micro Nappies
1 x Packet of extra sensitive baby wipes
1 x Packet of water wipes
Cotton Wool
1 x Cow & Gate starter pack of milk
2 x Blankets - 1 each
4 x Muslin cloths - 2 each
2 x Wrap over vests - 1 each
2 x Leggings - 1 each
4 x Sleepsuits - 2 each
4 x Hats - 2 have their names on just in case I forget which one is which!!
2 x Pairs of scratchmits - 1 pair each (the sleepsuits have integrated scratchmits as well)
Nathans Bag: What have I packed?

1 x Toothbrush for Nathan
Packets of sweets
Isotonic drinks for keeping up energy levels
Painkillers- Nathan is prone to getting headaches
Small cans of Diet Coke
Change of underwear/socks

Not all the items listed above are in the pictures as they are in the wash or yet to be purchased.
Nathans bag will also have the iPad in and change for the car park etc, plus anything I am unable to fit into my bag!
I am going in with an open mind for the labour process and what it is going to involve but I am assuming the worst; this being a C-section and having to stay in hospital for up to a week. I know I should think positive about labour but this way I can't be upset if something doesn't go how I planned! Plus, Twin 1 is currently breech and only has 3 weeks left to turn so I am assuming he won't so that I am prepared for both options!

When the babies are here and I am settled, I'll come back and write a review for other twin mums of what I found useful in labour, what I could have gone without or what I really should have packed but didn't!
Please let me know if I have forgotten anything important, packed something you didn't find useful or if you found something useful which I haven't included! You can either leave a comment or drop me an email!

Thank you!


  1. Heya hun, hope your ok and the twins are doing well. I don't know if it's something you may have thought about and then decided against but I made John a list of names and contact details for our nearest and dearest so he could let people know when baby or in your case babies have arrived safely. That way the people you really want to know do and you all get a little more peace and quiet before the Facebook notifications keep you awake :) Also if you do decide to do this then just remind people not to post stuff on Facebook before you do so they don't ruin the fun when your feeling more up to it! Anyway it was just an idea that worked well for us but may not be your cup of tea, either way I hope everything goes fab for you!! You have waited long enough and I know your going to be an amazing mum :) and remember cherish ever second you have because they grow up before you know it!! Take care chick and good luck :) XxX

  2. Comfortable, light weight and durable scrubs. No wrinkles right out of the dryer and no shrinkage. I'd buy more scrub top from this company again.


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